Development of Educational Quality Management Model Using a Professional Learning Community to Raise the Achievements of Learners in a New Normal of Nongsang Wittayayon School

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Wanpoj Hengsuwan


          research subject Development of educational quality management model using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal of Nongsang Wittayayon School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization with the purpose of 1) To study documents and research related to basic concepts about the development of educational quality management model using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal  of Nongsang Wittayayon School Under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization 2) to design and develop a model for educational institution quality management using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal  of Nongsang Wittayayon School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization     3) to test the model of educational institution quality management using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal of Nongsang Wittayayon School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization; 4) Evaluate and improve the educational quality management model using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal  of Nongsang Wittayayon School Under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization which the researcher has carried out the process of research and development target audience In this research, there were 25 teachers of Nongsang Wittayayon School, 410 students in grades 1–6, totaling 435 students, for a period of 1 academic year from May 2020 - March 2021. go with Content analysis form, interview form, observation form, interview form meeting recording form supervision record form), totaling 12 copies, which the researcher was able to developed and quality checked with a structural straightness of 3.50 and the researcher was able to Conducted data collection using Mixed Methods by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The statistics used in the data analysis, the researcher used basic statistics. These are mean (), standard deviation (S.D.) and reference statistics for comparing knowledge data. in the field of internal supervision Knowledge and understanding of analytical thinking before and after using the model Data were analyzed using Content Analysis and the results were presented by descriptive
          The results showed that    
          1. The results of the development of educational institution quality management using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal of Nongsang Wittayayon School Principles, objectives, supporting factors and procedures of 8 stages of coaching, i.e. Phase 1. Need-to-Need Analysis and define development issues (Analyzing Needs and Deciding Focus: A); Phase 2. Preparing Knowledge and Skills for Coaching: P; Phase 3. Collaborate to plan and define development objectives. (Collaborative Planning and Setting Objective: C) Phase 4. Coaching (C) Phase 5. Inter-process review and Mid Cycle Reviewing and Reflective Discussion (M) Phase 6. Proceeding Coaching Cycle (P) Phase 7. Reflective Reviewing and Conclusions (R) and Phase 8. Evaluate the use of a common coaching model. (Collaborative Evaluation of Coaching Model Implementation: E) The results of the review of the draft coaching model. Five experts found that the efficiency of the theoretical reasonableness, the feasibility of the model And the conformity of the pattern, each item is between 3.80 - 4.80 and the standard deviation is between 0.44 – 0.89.                                                    
          2. The results of the trial using the educational institution quality management model using a professional learning community To raise the achievements of learners in a new normal of life of Nongsang Wittayayon School under the Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrative Organization Teachers have gained knowledge of professional learning community process from training from trainers to give knowledge. Teaching and learning through professional learning communities make teachers understand Teaching and learning by using professional learning communities considerably. But the teachers did not use the knowledge gained from the training to manage teaching and learning for the students. because teachers think there is a lot of difficulty in teaching difficult for students to understand It takes a lot of time in teaching and learning by using a professional learning community, so teaching can't keep up with the content. Based on the above problems, the teachers who participated in the research suggested development guidelines, namely, organizing workshop activities that enable teachers to know and understand, and found that teaching by using professional learning communities is not as difficult as thought. and to provide assistance and advice during teaching and learning management As a result, learners have higher achievements.

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How to Cite
Hengsuwan, W. . (2022). Development of Educational Quality Management Model Using a Professional Learning Community to Raise the Achievements of Learners in a New Normal of Nongsang Wittayayon School. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(4), 177–193. Retrieved from
Research Article


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