Motivations to Change Worker are Members of the Organization

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worophong sangpud
Pensri Chirinang


          This paper is part of the current corporate membership study. How can an organization maintain long-term membership of a quality organization? It is found that it is important for the organization to understand the needs or motivations of the operators. and when the need is understood How will the organization respond to that need that will bring both the organization and the operator together to the point that the worker is not just a worker but a member of the organization. This article describes the motivation. This is an important element that creates a mutual response between the organization and its members. At the same time, the key elements for organizational membership to be sustainable, long-lasting and connected must have 3 things. 1. Fair recruiting 2. Maintenance 3. Retirement Remuneration These 3 components have different ways of doing it in different ways. But it must contain important words: fairness, morality, ethics and equality. Therefore, it will make the workers feel bound to be a member of the organization.

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How to Cite
sangpud, worophong, & Chirinang, P. . (2022). Motivations to Change Worker are Members of the Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(5), 366–374. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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