The Effect of Activities to Promote Practical Skills of Design User Interface through Microsoft Teams Applications with Video Sharing of Undergraduate Students

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Kampanat Kusirirat
Nuchsharat Nuchprayoon


          This Research was to evaluate the organization of activities to promote practical skills in user interface design by doing teaching activities through Microsoft Teams application together with the use of video sharing.  The purpose of this research was to assess the practical skills of design user interface. Comparison of design user interface practice after activities with 80% criteria. and assessing the students' satisfaction with the activities through the Microsoft Teams application with video sharing for the subject of Internet Technology and Web Development of undergraduate students. The sample group used in the research were undergraduate students. Department of Animation and Digital Media 23 students who registered for Internet Technology and Web Development courses, Academic Year 2/2020, by a simple random sampling method by drawing lots a group of classes. The research tool was an activity learning plan, video sharing, achievement test Practice Skills, Test practice observation form and Student satisfaction assessment form. The research method consisted of three steps: Step 1: Preparation before activities; Step 2: Organizing activities to promote learning and practice skills; Phase 3: Evaluation and conclusion. The statistics used in the research were the arithmetic mean. Standard Deviation and t-Test Dependent.
          The results showed that The assessment of practical skills in all aspects of design user interface was at a good level. The results of comparison of practical skills were 80% higher than the criteria with statistical significance at the level of .05 and Students satisfaction assessment in learning management, learning activities and benefits all aspects were at a very high level ( = 4.16 S.D. = 0.64).

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How to Cite
Kusirirat, K., & Nuchprayoon, N. . (2022). The Effect of Activities to Promote Practical Skills of Design User Interface through Microsoft Teams Applications with Video Sharing of Undergraduate Students . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(6), 301–314. retrieved from
Research Article


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