A Model for Agroforestry Management Based on the Principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for a Good Model of Sustainable Community : A Case Study of Agroforestry Areas in Home Village, Yang Talad District, Kalasin Province

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Watcharaphong Chaosamtong
Watcharin Sutthisai
Suawaluck Nikornpittaya
Raywat Chatreewisit


          The purposes of this research were to 1) study the factors in agroforestry management, 2) analyze factors in achieving the success, 3) investigate factors of risk or failure, 4) study the objectives, principles and components of agroforestry, 5) analyze factors affecting the objectives, principles and components of agroforestry management based on the principles of “Sufficiency Economy Philosophy” 6) design a good model of agroforestry management  The mixed method of quantitative research and qualitative research was employed for the study. The qualitative research was used to synthesize the factors through focus groups of eighteen participants selected by purposive sampling. The data was analyzed by descriptive method for explaining and discussing research results. The quantitative data was collected by a questionnaire from three hundred and forty four   research samples. Taro Yamane method was employed for calculating the sample size.  The research statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Stepwise method was used for hypothesis testing at the .01 level of statistical significance.
          The research results showed that 1) factors affecting agroforestry management were, The average level of the factors affecting the agroforestry management was 3.68. 2) Ten factors affecting the success in managing the agroforestry management consisted of farmers, The average level of the factors affecting the success in managing the agroforestry management was 3.72. (3) factors in risk and failure of the agroforestry management included farmers, The average level of the factors affecting the risk and failure of the agroforestry management was at a moderate level (3.30). (4) The objectives, principles and components of agroforestry management were solving poverty, The average level of the objectives, principles and components of agroforestry management was at a high level (3.76). (5) The equation of the factors affecting the objectives of agroforestry management based on the principles of sufficiency economy philosophy consisted of intention, understanding concept, water, and planning for growing. The factors affecting the success in managing agroforestry included inspiration, capital, group creation, patience, knowledgeand risk and failure. The factors of the external environments were general external environment, society and disaster. 6) The model for agroforestry management based on the principles of sufficiency economy philosophy for a good model of sustainable community in Kalasin Province consisted of intention of the farmers, understanding concept, water, planning for growing, inspiration, capital, group creation, patience, knowledge, general external environments, society and disaster.


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How to Cite
Chaosamtong, W. ., Sutthisai, W. ., Nikornpittaya , S. ., & Chatreewisit, R. . (2022). A Model for Agroforestry Management Based on the Principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for a Good Model of Sustainable Community : A Case Study of Agroforestry Areas in Home Village, Yang Talad District, Kalasin Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(2), 92–107. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/255562
Research Article


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