The Home Economics Education and Competency Development for Future Learners

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Nion Dowcharoenporn


          Guidelines for teaching and learning in Home Economics to build capacity of learners in the  Primary level  Vocational level  Higher education level. In line with the National Education Plan 2017-2036, which defines the aim of educational management to develop learners to have characteristics and competencies in the 21st century. The framework for the development of future home economics learners consists of 1) courses aimed at enhancing learner competency; in creativity, morality, management and analytical thinking 2) teaching and learning management that creates competence focus on resilience Use technology and innovation have direct experience. 3) Instructors must have competence in using information technology. Curriculum development, research, and student-centered learning management. and teaching and learning management that creates a formal atmosphere in the classroom. 4) Students can be home economics practitioners. be creative think analytically Use technology appropriately. Moreover, home economics education management has to pay attention to the learners’ future competence according to the educational level, competency, purpose, and scope of the course to achieve the mandatory quality in the learners that better meet the needs of society.

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How to Cite
Dowcharoenporn, N. . . (2022). The Home Economics Education and Competency Development for Future Learners. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(7), 386–402. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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