Relationship between Fingerprint Pattern and Gaming Behaviors of Students

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Kasidit Meeprom
Porrawee Promchot
Chaibodee Chaiprom


          The purposes of this research were to study relationship between fingerprint pattern and gaming behaviors of students. Sample were the student volunteers of all grade levels with different gaming behaviors, with 45 students. The sampling method is purposive sampling. The research instruments used in this study were data entry form consisting of the Finger Scanner, the personal computer, and Automated Inkless Finger-print Imaging Software. The data collected in this study were analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, and Pearson Correlation.
          Results of the study revealed as follows: The left hand of the students had the most Loop fingerprint (64.46%). Especially, the most was the little finger (77.8%). The right hand of the students had the most Loop fingerprint (62.24%). Especially, the most were the little finger and middle finger (75.60%). The Loop fingerprint had the highest correlation coefficient in the same direction (r = 0.815). The Whorl fingerprint had the highest correlation coefficient in the opposite direction (r = - 0.736). there was statistically significant at p < 0.01.

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How to Cite
Meeprom, K., Promchot, P. ., & Chaiprom, C. (2022). Relationship between Fingerprint Pattern and Gaming Behaviors of Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 241–250. Retrieved from
Research Article


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