The Mobile Payment Application Usage of Generation X Generation Y and Generation Z

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Pailyn Santivanichkul
Woradee Jongadsayakul


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the relationship between generation and the use of mobile payment and 2) to study the importance of the 7Ps marketing mix for mobile payment application by comparing among Generation X Generation Y and Generation Z. The questionnaires are collected from 400 users who use either mobile banking or e-Momey. Using Chi-square statistic test, there is a relationship between generation and the use of mobile payment at a significant level of 0.05. Mobile banking is used by Generation X the most. Most of Generation Y and Generation Z use both mobile banking and e-Money. Using F-test statistics, process plays an important role to three age groups differently at a significant level of 0.05. The importance of process is ranked first only by Generation X and Generation Z while the importance of price is ranked first by Generation Y. All generations evaluate the importance of promotion for mobile payment application at the lowest scores.
          To increase Generation X and Generation Z’ use of mobile payment, especially Generation X’s use of e-Money, service providers should develop process to ensure security and data protection. Moreover, marketing strategy for Generation Y should be price. Fee must be set appropriately and cheaper than withdrawal fee from ATM or other channels.

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How to Cite
Santivanichkul, P., & Jongadsayakul, W. (2022). The Mobile Payment Application Usage of Generation X Generation Y and Generation Z. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 1–15. Retrieved from
Research Article


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