An effective capacity building system for learners with intellectual disabilities. Sukhothai Provincial Special Education Center

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Burin Sareekhum


          The objectives of this research were: 1) Develop an effective capacity building system for learners with  intellectual disabilities. Sukhothai   Provincial  Special  Education Center. 2) evaluate the effectiveness  the promotion syste  effective  potential For learners with intellectual disabilities Sukhothai Provincial Special Education Center developed to use. These papers are research and development. The research informants were 9 experts for system evaluation and experimental group using the system include 10 teacher and personnel and 10 parent.Purposive  selected samples. The instruments which were used in this research are 1.suitability assessment form possibility helpfulness and the suitability of the user manual. 
          2) Cognitive Quiz. 3) System Evaluation Form. 4) satisfaction assessment form and 5) System Effectiveness Assessment Form. The statistics used in the study were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.present data with tables caption diagram.
          A result of this study was found in the following aspects.
          1)  An effective capacity  building  system  for  students  with  intellectual disabilities  Sukhothai Provincial Special Education Center, consisted of 4 Input factors including (1) man (2) money (3) management and (4) material, Process factors consisted of 7 factors including (1) Teamwork (2) Training (3) Tools (4) Teaching Technique (5) Teaching methods (6) Testing and (7)Transitions. Output factors  consisted  of  2 factors including. (1) Those  involved  have  knowledge  and understanding  about  the  potential  enhancement of learners with intellectual disabilities, (2) Stakeholders have confidence that learners with intellectual disabilities can develop. Outcome factors consisted of 3 factors including. (1) Those involved  can organize activities to promote the potential  of  learners  with  intellectual disabilities. (2) Learners who have Intellectual disabilities are empowered As stated in individual education plans or family-specific assistance plans based on individual potential. (3) Learners have desirable characteristics of the educational establishment. And 5) The feedback consisted of 2 factors including. (1) Reporting results, problems, and obstacles.  (2) The use of the assessment results to improve and rectify according to the recommendations. The results of the system evaluation by experts found that the suitability was at the highest level, the feasibility assessment was at the highest level, the usefulness assessment was at the highest level.

            2) Assessment results effective capacity building system For learners with intellectual disabilities Sukhothai Provincial Special Education Center. It was found that teachers, staff, and parents had higher scores on the cognitive test and passed the criteria of 80 percent. The results of the development of potential and desirable characteristics of all learners with intellectual disabilities  were  higher. The ability to implement the system is at the highest level. Satisfaction affecting the overall system at the highest level. and the results of the system effectiveness assessment were overall appropriate at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Sareekhum, B. (2022). An effective capacity building system for learners with intellectual disabilities. Sukhothai Provincial Special Education Center. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 251–268. Retrieved from
Research Article


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