Direction of organization and human resource adaptation to a new normal way of working

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Sasiwimon Kummuang
Kampanart Wongwattanapong


          This academic article aims to study the governmental sectors’ management directions, human resources development, and preparation for Thailand 4.0, including their transition from knowledge-based economy to innovative organizations. It was found that an important factor for the governmental sectors to revise their roles and work performances is the dynamics of both national and international changes. The governmental sectors find it necessary to adjust themselves towards not only organizational but also personnel excellence with special awareness of the importance of human resources development in response to the country’s development, including the enhancement of digital literacy of the work force, as declared in the 20-year national strategic plan, the 12th national economic and social development plan, the national reform plan, and others. Also, the government has established a national organization to be responsible for its personnel’s technological skills for organizational transformation; namely, Thailand Digital Government Academy (TDGA) and is in the process of developing itself towards being a full-fledged digital government, reducing the red tape but integrating information for mutual application among different organizations. Human resources are perceived as integral mechanism of work innovation and organizational development to attain the full capacities of competitiveness and of innovative output creation in response to the present and future development of the country.            

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How to Cite
Kummuang , S. ., & Wongwattanapong, K. . (2022). Direction of organization and human resource adaptation to a new normal way of working. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 354–367. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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