The Analysis Integrated Marketing Communication of Community Enterprise, Pathum Thani Province

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Pattarapon Chummee


          Integrated marketing communications improved consumers make purchasing decisions easier. Due to the use of mixed media in a variety of channels to increase communication efficiency. Promote product image through modern media and reach wider consumers. Therefore, this research is quantitative research. Data were collected from 324 community enterprise entrepreneurs in Pathum Thani Province by collecting specific samples in order of names list. The research instrument used a questionnaire divided into 4 parts, using mean analysis and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The objective of this research was to analyze the components of integrated marketing communication of community enterprises in Pathum Thani Province.
          Research result found that the factor loading of various online advertising and public relations components was the most important. Followed by advertising and public relations through print media and organizing advertising and public relations activities for products. Consistent with the results of the corroborative component analysis. It was found that the conformity fit index was well suited (Chi-square =0.00, df=0, P-value=0.000, RMSEA=0.009).
          Recommendations for entrepreneurs to develop new marketing innovations to create competitiveness, such as modern production innovations. New marketing channels through social media. Create products for a wide range of customers. Especially the elderly which is a demographic group that requires special attention.

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How to Cite
Chummee, P. (2022). The Analysis Integrated Marketing Communication of Community Enterprise, Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(8), 287–299. Retrieved from
Research Article


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