The Changing Leadership of Administrators Affect Quality of Working Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel, Office of Educational Service Area, Sesao 1, Bangkok

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Supanda Seanboon
Thongfu Siriwong
Sompon Thungwa
Laksamee Thungwha


         The purposes of this research were 1) to study the transformational leadership of school administrators, Office of Secondary Educational sesao1, Bangkok 2) to study the quality of working life of teachers and educational personnel of school administrators. Source: Secondary education service area, District 1, Bangkok 3) to study the quality of life classified by personal factors of teachers and educational personnel of school administrators. Source: Secondary education service area, District 1, Bangkok 4) to study the transformational leadership affecting the quality of life of teachers and educational personnel of schools administrators. Source: Secondary education service area, District 1, Bangkok, classified by gender, status, position, educational level, age, work experience and transformational leadership of school administrators  The total population of 597 people was calculated by sample size by opening the table of Cohen et al. (2011 : 147). A total of 234 persons were used. The research instrument was a questionnaire with confidence values of 0.965 statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. T-test,One-way ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis. The results of the research were as follows: (1) the overall result found that teachers and educational personnel were satisfied with the changing leadership of the school administrators at a high level by sorting the average from high to low, including the aspect of taking into account the individual aspect of having an ideological influence and intellectual stimulation. (2) the quality of working life of teachers and government personnel as a whole were found satisfied with the quality of working life of government teachers and personnel, under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office, Region 1, Group 3 were at a very high level. The aspect with the highest average score was the development of human abilities, social integration, operational regulations and the aspect with a high average score value from highest to lowest, were on job progression and job security. Hygienic and safe environment with work-life balance performance in the society, appropriateness and with fair compensation (3) the quality of working life of teachers and educational personnel with different
          factors such as  age, education level, working period and income was significantly different at the level of  0.05 , except for personal gender factors, and (4) the relationship between the changing leadership of the school administrators and the quality of working life of teachers and educational personnel was prediction R2 was .396. It could be said that the probability of hypothesizing the factors affecting the quality of working life of teachers and educational personnel in all 4 areas was 39.60 %  related to the quality of working life of teachers and educational personnel. The remaining 60.40 percent was due to the influence of other variables in which the ability to predict was low the motivational aspect ( Beta = 0.578 ), the leadership change of the school administrators was significantly at the 0.000 level, the multiple correlation coefficient (R = .629), the adjusted predictive efficiency ( Adj. . R2 = .385 ) ( F = 37.472) The prediction error ( S.E = .459), with the important variables being the aspect of ideological influence (-0.552), intellectual stimulation (0.345) and individual consideration (0.174).

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How to Cite
Seanboon, S., Siriwong, T. ., Thungwa , S. ., & Thungwha, L. (2022). The Changing Leadership of Administrators Affect Quality of Working Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel, Office of Educational Service Area, Sesao 1, Bangkok. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(9), 357–375. retrieved from
Research Article


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