The Results on Learning Cell Based on Gamification Concepts Toward Mathematical Achievement and Problem Posing Ability for Mathayomsuksa Five Students at Matthayom Watbuengthonglang School in Bangkok

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Pawarit Sritakaew
Chommanad Cheausuwantavee


          The purposes of this research were as follows: (1) to compare the student's mathematical achievements before and after learning; (2) to compare the mathematical achievements of the students after learning with the 70% criterion; (3) to compare the mathematical problem posing ability of the students before and after learning; and (4) to compare the mathematical problem posing ability of students after learning with the 70% criterion. The subjects of this study were 26 Matthayomsuksa Five students in the Science-Mathematics program in the second semester of the 2021 academic year at Matthayom Wat Bueng Thonglang School in Bangkok. They were randomly selected using cluster random sampling. The experiment lasted for 18 fifty-minute periods. The findings were as follows:(1) the mathematical achievements of students in the experimental group after learning was statistically higher than before learning and the 70% criterion and at a .05 level of significance; and (2) the mathematical problem posing ability of the students in the experimental group after learning was statistically higher than before learning and the 70% criterion with a .05 level
of significance. 

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How to Cite
Sritakaew , P. ., & Cheausuwantavee, C. . (2022). The Results on Learning Cell Based on Gamification Concepts Toward Mathematical Achievement and Problem Posing Ability for Mathayomsuksa Five Students at Matthayom Watbuengthonglang School in Bangkok. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(10), 93–104. retrieved from
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