Technology and Administrative Work of Government After COVID-19 Pandemic

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Thitapha Jantharote
Narumon Kumphaphanand
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


           Thisarticle focuses on technology and administrative work of the government after COVID-19 pandemic. There are explanation of concepts and the ways the government employs technology for its admirative work, including the consequences of having employed that technology in the government working area after the pandemic.  There is also an analysis of different kinds of technology which the government uses altogether with its full administration, based on the national strategy “Thailand 4.0”.  According to the pandemic of COVID-19, the government has adapted its working platform by having technology as one of the main influences and there is a better realization about the importance of technology in the administrative field. The government starts developing applications, websites, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Solution to examine COVID-19. As we can see, the administrative work of the government through technology brings a better, up-to-date, and fast administration system for these days and in the near future.

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How to Cite
Jantharote, T., Kumphaphanand, N., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2022). Technology and Administrative Work of Government After COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(10), 337–348. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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