Life and Death: Buddhist Attitudes, Rituals and Mindful Practices Tha Song Khon Subdistrict Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province

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Phramahanattapong Wattanasuthi (Kentha)
Phra Sophon Phatthanabandit
Adul Lanwong


          research subject Life and Death: Buddhist Attitudes, Rituals and Mindful Practices Tha Song Khon Subdistrict Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province The objectives are: 1) to study the ritual attitude and practice of Buddhists consciously in life and death; 2) to study the Buddhists' attitude, ritual and practice of consciously living and dying in Tha Sub-district. Song Khon, Muang District, Maha Sarakham Province 3) To study and analyze the attitudes, rituals and practices of Buddhists with conscious living and death in Tha Song Khon Subdistrict, Mueang District, Maha Sarakham Province. This research is a qualitative research which is a study from documentary research and field work research using in-depth interview form.
          Rituals and conscious practices of life and death Rituals are so closely intertwined with the way of life of people in the present community that they are almost inseparable when there are festivals. Although the ritual is a fictitious action that people have step by step method. To be a medium or a way to bring success in thingsexpected or refers to the behavior in which humans depend on their own religious beliefs, regardless of religion, are treated according to their own religion. according to their own beliefs and beliefs in each religion thus creating a religious “ritual” with faith and faith Therefore, rituals are associated with life and death as an important element in human life from birth until death is the main activity of thesocial life Buddhist rituals are the things that nourish the religion that is the essence of Buddhism. Performing various rituals in Buddhism. There must be an introduction and the participants of the ceremony to study and understand the various rituals and rituals according to Buddhist ritual principles. by adhering to the principles of dharma and Buddhist practice Therefore, people in the community have rituals and practices that are important. Consistency with the principles of Buddhism Because most of the people in Tha Song Khon Sub-District Community, Muang District, Maha Sarakham Province, are mainly Buddhists. By applying the basic principles for life development, which is a Buddhist principle by using the principle of "sati" because mindfulness is the principle of human development. can apply those things in the daily life of human beings Whether any activity in Daily life must be mindful and aware because consciousness determines, that is, the mind thinks about what to say. Think of what to do and the words to say. is a symptom that the mind does not forget restrained also called carelessness is to be always awake to not be careless prevent damage and able to develop oneself leading to the adoption of principles that are important in life until the most important principles of life such asApply the Noble Eightfold Principles to apply in honest career and can be applied in the leadership of the community with honesty Have the intention to drive people in the community including understanding the laws of nature, which are the principles of life that all things are subject to these three laws of truth, namely, vanity, dukkha, and anatta, which lead to the development of mindfulness. It is a remembrance of death. Developing the mind to know the world as it really is. and prepare yourself to be ready to face a ton of separation and loss when that day comes.


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How to Cite
Wattanasuthi (Kentha), P. ., Phra Sophon Phatthanabandit, & Lanwong, A. . (2022). Life and Death: Buddhist Attitudes, Rituals and Mindful Practices Tha Song Khon Subdistrict Mueang Maha Sarakham District Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(10), 263–278. Retrieved from
Research Article


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