A Development of Multimedia with Active Learning Management in Thai Conversation Courses for Chinese Students

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Kamonwan Lerdsuwan
Waraporn Thaima


          The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop and find the effectiveness of using multimedia media in Thai conversation for Chinese students, 2) to design and find the effectiveness of active teaching and learning management plan in Thai conversation courses for Chinese students together with the use of multimedia, and 3) to compare the differences in the learning achievement scores earned before and after studying through using multimedia in Thai conversation course for Chinese students. This research was an Pre-Experimental Research Design. The samples used in the research were 50 second-year students in the Thai language program at Hainan Tropical Ocean University, which were obtained by Cluster Random Sampling. The research tools used in this study were: 1) multimedia media for Thai Conversation for Chinese Students, 2) active learning management plan, and 3) learning achievement test. The statistics used to for the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, E1/ E2, and t-test.
          The results indicated that: 1) the multimedia media in Thai conversation for Chinese students showed efficiency at 82.67/81.98 which was higher than that of the 80/80 standard criteria. 2) The effectiveness of the active learning management plan was overall at the highest level. ( = 4.85, S.D. = 0.29) the result meets the specified criteria. 3) The comparison of the students’ learning achievement scores earned before and after studying through using multimedia revealed that students’ scores after studying through using multimedia were higher than before studying at the statistical significance at a level of 0.5.

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How to Cite
Lerdsuwan , K. ., & Thaima, W. . (2022). A Development of Multimedia with Active Learning Management in Thai Conversation Courses for Chinese Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(11), 223–239. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/258026
Research Article


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