Identification Construction and Identity Communication of Women Dress in Thai Fabric on Facebook
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The purposes of the research are as follows: 1) To study the process of establishing an identity for a woman dressed in Thai fabrics. 2) To study the communication of identity among women who wear Thai fabrics. This is a qualitative study that uses a Hermeneutic Phenomenological concept to analyze individual phenomena. In-depth interviews and textual analysis from a group of women dress in thai fabric of nine informants served as research tools. Findings:
The Identification Construction of Women Dress in Thai Fabric, which is made up of identity, can be divided into six categories: 1) Communication and Language Systems, 2) Gestures and Dress, 3) Time and Realization, 4) Relationship, 5) Feeling of self and Distance, and 6) Beliefs and Attitudes.
Women Dressed in Thai Fabric Communicate Their Identity Textual identity communication on social media on Facebook can take two forms: 1) Social identity communication is identity communication based on the social construction of reality. 2) Narrative identity communication, which is personal identity communication.
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