The Principles, Methods and guidelines on effective management

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Napaorn Takaew
Suparlerk Rimmai
Naphat Phonphai
Phasakorn Dokchan


          Due to the administrative work in the Ban Khlong Subdistrict Municipality in 2018-2021, there was a problem of insufficient personnel. There are personnel changes. There was a transfer resulting in a lack of continuity in operations. as well as the government's policy that wants to improve the old administration to a new way of government management. Therefore, this academic article aims to study principles, methods and guidelines for administration. to be used in the administration of the Ban Khlong Subdistrict Municipality In order for the service to be effective, it was found that in the service, 6 guidelines must be implemented, namely, the adoption of good public administration principles for public administration. creating quality services to the people use of information technology Personnel development support Minimization of operating procedures and management of money and budgets, all of which require clear standards and measures of performance. by focusing on the restructuring to be smaller The size is suitable for work. to be flexible Including the need to strengthen the discipline in working strictly. Both in terms of services, operations and budget expenditures that are limited. in order to create the best value for the people in the future


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How to Cite
Takaew, N., Rimmai, S., Phonphai, N., & Dokchan, P. (2023). The Principles, Methods and guidelines on effective management. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 436–451. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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