Model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã Teaching of the Dhamma Retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Pitimat Jiwwiset
Phramaha Suporn Rakkhitadhammo
Benjamas Suwannawong


          This research consisted of 3 objectives as follows: 1) to study the condition of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching in Buddhism 2) to study the model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching of the Dhamma retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima province 3) to present the model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching of the Dhamma retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima province. It is mixed methods between qualitative research and quantitative research which designed 2 parts were documentary study and field study. The key informants/Sample consisted of 36 monks/Dhamma practitioners which attended to 2 sects were Maha Nikaya and  Dhammayuttika Nikaya (Dhammayut Nikaya) from 9 Dhamma retreats/temples in Muang Nakhon Ratchasima district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, selected through the purposive sampling technique. The qualitative research instruments were: 1) in-dept Interview 2) focus group discussion 3) the quantitative research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics were used for analyzing the collected data of the quantitative research were mean and percentage.
          The  results of the research is found as follows:
          1. There are two conditions for teaching Vipassanã Kammatthanã in Buddhism are: 1)teaching the Samatha Kammatthanã 2)teaching the Vipassanã Kammatthanã from Anon’s four paths. It is the way to practice towards success by attaining the dhamma practitioners will be a noble individual namely; a) Samatha Puppapangkhama Vipassanã Kammatthanã is the practicing of Vipassanã by Samatha preceding it. b) Vipassanã Puppapangkhama Samatha Kammatthanã is the practicing of Samatha by Vipassanã preceding it. c) Samatha Vipassanã Yuknattha Kammatthanã is the practicing of Vipassanã and Samatha concurrently with an emotional state. d) Dhammutthatchawikkhahitmanat is the practicing only Vipassanã, in the case of Vipassanu Kilesa is born.
          2. Model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching of the Dhamma retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima province are: 1) The 5 Dhamma retreats/temples attended to Maha Nikaya teach the model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching according to Satipatthãna 4: pray that Pong - hno Yup - hno as the principle. Overall, the results were interpreted at a very practical level with statistical values 𝒙̅ = 4.16 and 83.30 percent. 2) The 4 Dhamma retreats/temples attended to Dhammayut Nikaya teach the model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching according to the Institute of Willpower: pray that Bud - dho as the principle. Overall, the results were interpreted at a very practical level with statistical values 𝒙̅ = 4.40 and 88. 00 percent.
          3. The researcher presents the model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching of the Dhamma retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima province: Model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã teaching based on Satipatthãna 4 or V1 to V5 Moddel with the five-steps teaching process and the abbreviation of them are; 1) Value receiving or V1 ​​means a vipassanã teacher teaches the Dhamma practitioners abandon Pliboth, present themselves to ask for Kammatthanã meditation and  lectures them for having the good attitude to practice Vipassanã Kammatthanã.  2) Value responding or V2 means he teaches them to do their main activities for  the practicing of Vipassanã Kammatthanã; they are a) demonstrates the relaxing of bodily movement before the buddhist walking b) demonstrates the buddhist walking c) demonstrates the meditating. 3)  Value valuing or V3 means he teaches them consider the base on Satipatthãna 4 are; Kãyãnupassana, Vedanãnupassanã, Cittãnupassanã and Dhammãnupassanã and consider the thoery of change for living that Pañca-Khandha is the characteristic of Tilakkhana. 4)Value organization or V4 means he lectures them that ought to practice the Dhamma for  supporting Vipassanã Kammatthanã which is 5 controlling faculty/5 power, The noble eightfold path is associated with the threefold path, abandon 5 hindrances  and 10 fetters. 5) Characterization by value or V5 means the step of assessment, he teaches them to send the emotion, gives them the emotional test, feedback and they practice Vipassanã Kammatthanã at their temples/home in daily life.

The outflow of good result is the Dhamma practitioners has The Threefold Trainning is; higher morality, higher mentality and higher wisdom. They can see The Four Noble Truths; can solve the life problems in detail, neither pleasant nor painful feeling from relieve the fetters until abandon the 5 hindrances and 10 fetters or at least 3 fetters are; personal view, doubt and adherence to rules and rituals. They will be the first  noble individual is Sotãpanna.

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How to Cite
Jiwwiset, P. . ., Rakkhitadhammo , P. S. ., & Suwannawong , B. . (2023). Model of Vipassanã Kammatthanã Teaching of the Dhamma Retreat in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(1), 287–308. Retrieved from
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