A study of Service Marketing Mix Factors and Consumer Behavior that Affecting the Decision Making to Shopping Online during the Covid 19 in Khon Kaen Province

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Ratchanon Srisaengchan
Nitipon Phutachote


          This study the objectives were 1) to study the personal factors of consumers making online shopping decisions during COVID-19 in Khon Kaen Province, 2) to study consumers' decision-making behavior in online shopping during COVID-19 in Khon Kaen Province, and 3) to study service marketing mix factors affecting online shopping decision during COVID-19 in Khon Kaen Province and 4) to compare personal factors with opinions about service marketing mix factors. The sample group used in this study was a population in Khon Kaen Municipality who were online shoppers during the Covid-19, 400 people. By using a purposive sampling method. A questionnaire was used the research tool. The statistics used to analyze data such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance, If any differences are found between the variables, it leads to a pairwise comparison of LSD. The results of study that the most of the respondents made purchases through the Shopee and Lazada applications. There is an uncertain frequency of making purchases. The cost per time is between 501-1,000 baht. The most popular type of product ordered is apparel. The reason for deciding to shop online is because there are cheap. The most of the criteria for choosing a store is because the store is reputable/reliable. They usually pay through mobile banking and internet banking. And they have the most influence on online shopping. For service marketing mix overall, the opinions were at a high level. And personal factors of gender, age, occupation, education and salary different will paying attention to the service marketing mix in making online shopping decisions in Khon Kaen is different, the statistical significance was at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Srisaengchan, R., & Phutachote, N. . (2023). A study of Service Marketing Mix Factors and Consumer Behavior that Affecting the Decision Making to Shopping Online during the Covid 19 in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(2), 78–94. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/259073
Research Article


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