Relationship between Personal Factors, Atmosphere, and Work Inspiration with Work Efficiency of the Staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand

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Jiratron Seesung
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Sauwaluck Nikornpittaya
Thantikan Khamwisettanathon


          The purposes of the study were 1) the level of personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration, 2) to investigate the level of work efficiency, 3) to explore the relationship between personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration with work efficiency, 4) to study personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration with work efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand, and 5) to explore suggestions and ways to increase the efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand. This study is a quantitative research. The research instruments were the questionnaires. The sample groups were 301 electricity users in Roi-et district which determinate by calculation formula of Yamane. The statistic used were frequency distribution, average, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression which significantly at .01. Moreover, the suggestions were analyzed through the frequency distribution and the descriptive technique.
The results shown that 1) the level of personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand was in high level, 2) the level of work efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand was in high level, 3) the relationship between personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration with work efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand was positively in medium level and the correlation coefficient between the independent variables and dependent variables was .512 (R = .512) which significantly at .01, 4) there were 6 variables of personal factors, atmosphere, and work inspiration with work efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand explaining dependent variables were work efficiencies of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand averagely at 69.60, R2 = .696 and F = 46.093 significantly at .01. 5) suggestions and ways to increase the efficiency of the staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand should consider from personal knowledge, abilities, and skills in order to increase their work effectiveness. Moreover, there should be activities that enhance their work relationship in order to growth their teamwork, and there should be chances to share their idea on doing their work independently to rise their work competence.

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How to Cite
Seesung, J. ., Soonthorn, S. ., Nikornpittaya , . S. ., & Khamwisettanathon, T. . (2023). Relationship between Personal Factors, Atmosphere, and Work Inspiration with Work Efficiency of the Staff in the Provincial Electric Authority in the Northeastern of Thailand. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 70–89. Retrieved from
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