Paradigm in New Local Administration

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Kitiyarat Chunhom
Suphawan Kongsema
Naphaporn Takaew
Suphasa Boonyong
Chot Bodeerat


          The evolution of Thailand's local administration system in the form of the old paradigm and the new paradigm of local governance that can be adapted under the changing global trend has forced Thailand to change various factors within the country, including those Political, social and economic to be in line with the changes that occur, There objective of this journal was to study the paradigm in the new local administration. It was found that the paradigm was important to the leaders of the local administrative organizations in the local development for the benefit of the people as the important goal for the sustainable development. It made the people could be self-reliance, had the good quality of life, were strong and had the knowledge. The local administrative organizations could apply the local wisdom for the local development suitable to the social geography of the local. It made the equity that was the heart of the society. The people were equal and got the opportunity in the development of the local administrative organizations equally. The local administrative organizations had the empowerment to the people with the process of the people participation for the development and solution in accordance with the demand of the people in the local and the productivity focusing on the administration efficient to the public benefit for the benefit of the people.

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How to Cite
Chunhom, K. ., Kongsema, S. ., Takaew, N. . ., Boonyong , S., & Bodeerat, C. . (2023). Paradigm in New Local Administration. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 233–245. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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