The Local Administration under Change Situations

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Paitoon Sonsai
Rattapoom Meesiri
Maneenuch Juiiam
Pramote Leesinla
Chot Bodeerat


          The change could happen all the time, proceed gradually, was unexpected and was the result of the action under the unstable conditions of financial institution, political crisis and the trouble social state. The better change was called the development. However, the worse change was called no development. The objective of this journal was to analyze the local administration under the changeable situations. It was found that the learning and understanding in the cause and result of the change, and having the feeling sensitive to the change of the organizations were necessary in managing the change efficiently. The local had to support the learning of the personnel, the application of new digital for building the innovation, designing the structure flexible, having the mechanism in making the organization culture, using the resources in working worthily for the readiness to adjust in the change. In the present and future, the change led to the strength and stability of the organizations


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How to Cite
Sonsai, P. ., Meesiri, R. . ., Juiiam , M. ., Leesinla , P. ., & Bodeerat, C. . (2023). The Local Administration under Change Situations. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 321–334. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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