Competency of Immigration Police in the Northeastern Region of Thailand 4.0 Era that Influences Operational Achievement

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Danpri Kaewwehon
Watcharin Sutthisai
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Rungsun Injun


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of competencies in the immigration police, 2) to investigate the level of performance achievement of the immigration police, 3) to analyze the competencies of the immigration police inspecting  Immigrants in the Northeastern region in the Thailand 4.0 era affecting the performance achievement, and  4) to design a model for developing the competencies of the immigration police in the regional area  Northeastern Thailand in the 4.0 era.  The mixed research method of quantitative and qualitative research.  Was employed for the study. The samples were two hundred and sixty seven research participants for the quantitative research.  The sample size was calculating by using the Taro Yamane formula. The research instrument was a questionnaire.  The research statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  Pearson's correlation coefficient was employed for  hypothesis testing at the .05 level of the statistical significance,  and the stepwise multiple regression analysis was used for qualitative research at the .01 level of the statistical significance. The qualitative data was collected by in-depth interview of eighteen key informants.
          The research results showed that 1) the overall competency of the immigration police was at a very high level. 2) The average achievement of the immigration police  in the performance was at a high level. 3) Twelve factors affecting the performance achivement of the immigration police in the northeastern region of Thailand in the 4.0 era consisted of achievement motivation (X1), integrity and ethics (X4), information accessibility and assessment (X8), knowledge of information technology  (X6), application of information technology for management and performance assessment (X10), ability in investigating and reporting news (X12), regulations and laws relating to (X11), knowledge and use of foreign languages or the 3rd languages (X15), English skills (X14), open mind factor (X16), intelligence and creativity (X17), and knowledge and understanding about the culture of people (X19). 4) The model for competency development of the immigration police in the northeastern region of Thailand in the 4.0 era  included thirteen factors: good governance, achievement motivation, integrity and ethics, knowledg of technology, knowledge of regulations and laws relating to, ability in investigation and reporting news, knowledge and use of dialect languages and 3rd languages, English skills, open minded factor, intelligence and creativity, knowledge and understanding about the culture of people, and flexibility.  


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How to Cite
Kaewwehon, D. ., Sutthisai, W. ., Soonthorn , S. ., & Injun, R. . (2023). Competency of Immigration Police in the Northeastern Region of Thailand 4.0 Era that Influences Operational Achievement. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 55–69. retrieved from
Research Article


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