A Comparison of Learning Achievement: Learning about “Thai Visual Arts” through Instructional Videos for Lower Secondary School Students

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Panuson Ruraksri
kiattisak luanmongkol
Kittima Kengkhetrkij


         The purpose of this study is 1) to develop instructional videos on Thai visual arts, and 2) to compare secondary school students' learning achievement in Thai visual arts using instructional videos. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants in this research, with the criteria of a comparable level of learning achievement in the visual art subject. The participants were divided into two groups of 25 each: an experimental group and a control group. Lesson plans, instructional videos, lectures, and tests were used as study instruments. Mean scores, percentages, standard deviation, and an independent t-test are used to analyze the data.
          The findings revealed that 1) the instructional videos developed by the researchers were at the good level (µ=4.70, SD=0.29), which is higher than the established standard of 3.50 and can be used for instructional purposes, and 2) students who learned via instructional videos outperformed those who learned through lectures by a significant level of .05. This is consistent with the hypothesis that students who learned via instructional videos performed better than those who learned through lectures.

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How to Cite
Ruraksri, P. ., luanmongkol, kiattisak, & Kengkhetrkij , K. . (2023). A Comparison of Learning Achievement: Learning about “Thai Visual Arts” through Instructional Videos for Lower Secondary School Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(4), 150–159. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/259963
Research Article


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