Systematic Information Administration according to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center of Child Development Center under Subdistrict Organization, Muang District, Lampang Province

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Sasithorn Youtkaewoud
Panotnon Teanprapakun


         This research had a purpose to study the data administration conditions and guidelines of Systematic Information Administration according to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center of Child Development Center under Subdistrict Organization Muang District, Lampang Province. in two steps were conditions and guidelines of Systematic Information Administration according to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center. The research include a sample of 58 people from child development centers. In the academic year 2020. The samples consisted of the 14 heads of the Child Development Center, 20 teachers, 24 childcare teacher assistants, The research instrument used a rating scale questionnaire, which created by researcher. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. 
         Results of the study found that :
         1. The conditions of systematic information administration, in general, the operated in high level ( = 4.31), when sorted by average from highest to lowest, found that, Controlling performed at the highest level, with the highest average (= 4.56), and followed by performed at the high level, namely Leading (= 4.41)   , Organizing (= 4.15 ) and Planning (= 4.14 ) respectively.
             2. Guidelines for the systematic information administration according to the POLC consists of 4 approaches as follows :
                  1) Planning : Problem condition survey and data type requirements, make a data management plan and personnel development plans for information operations of the Child Development Center.
                 2) Organizing :  Establish an information agency, determine the workload and operational guidelines of the information agency, and the person responsible for the information work of the Child Development Center.
                3) Leading : Conduction personnel development activities to gain knowledge and understanding of the operations of the Child Development Center information agency and operate according to the data management plan.
                   4) Controlling :  Evaluate the performance of the child development center's data unit, evaluate the results, summarize and report the results of the data management plan implementation and taking advantage of the information, for the improvement and development of systematic information administration.

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How to Cite
Youtkaewoud , S. ., & Teanprapakun , P. . (2023). Systematic Information Administration according to the National Standards of Early Childhood Development Center of Child Development Center under Subdistrict Organization, Muang District, Lampang Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(6), 164–181. Retrieved from
Research Article


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