The Scenario of the Construction Business for Electrical Distribution System in Phetchabun Province to Determine the Strategic Approach of K.P. Electric Power Limited Partnership

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Worapon Promdee
Patarakhuan Pila-Ngarm


          The purpose of this study is to determine the strategic approach of K.P. Electric Power Limited Partnership and to study the scenario plan of the construction business for electrical distribution systemin Phetchabun province in 2024. The data for this study was gathered using a qualitative method by in-depth interviewing of 17 samples using purposive sampling. Four of them are professionals with knowledge of the electrical industry who work for the provincial energy office of Phetchabun, six of them are industry professionals with expertise in the field of electrical distribution system construction in Phetchabun, and seven of them are employees from the provincial electricity authority who are involved in the industry. The researchercollectsprimary and secondary data to analyze the scenario plan. According to the results of a study,the scenario was divided into three plans. 1) The best scenario plan was titled "Lightning in the Sky"which meant there was no electrical crisis in the nation. The government has policies to encourage employment in electrical distribution systems.2) The worst-case scenario plan, "Sky without Lightning"implied that the country was in a domestic electricity crisis. As a result, numerous industries are unable to operate.The construction business for electrical distribution systems might have to shut down due to a lack of interest in developing a power system.3) The most plausible scenario plan, "Lightning in the Wire"stated that there is no shortage of electricityin the country.The government is in favor of developing electrical transmission system polities to accommodate future increases in demand for electricity.After obtaining the aforementioned scenario plan, analysis was done to determine the strategic approach for K.P. Electric Power Limited Partnership under the most plausible scenario plan.The researcher chose the SO Strategy as the main strategy from the most important factors with the highest score. A total of 4 dissemination strategies are produced by the SO strategy, which uses internal strengths to capitalize on external opportunities.1) Ensure that workers are prepared to get to work as soon as they are employed.2) Expand employment opportunities in other provinces. 3) Use equipment to expedite the completion and enhance work efficiency. 4) Provide machines that are efficient and effective in any environment.

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How to Cite
Promdee , W. ., & Pila-Ngarm, P. . (2023). The Scenario of the Construction Business for Electrical Distribution System in Phetchabun Province to Determine the Strategic Approach of K.P. Electric Power Limited Partnership. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 252–263. Retrieved from
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