New Normal Services Quality of the Registration Office, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Provinc

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yupin butakhieo
ratchada phakdeeying


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of service quality in the new normal of the registry office Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province, 2) to compare the service quality in the new normal of the registry office Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province based of the characteristics of service users, and 3) to propose the guideline to improve service quality in the new normal of the registry office Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province. The sample consisted of 300 people who received the new normal service at the registry office Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Province. The research was quantitative research using a simple randomization method. The research tool was a questionnaire. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance.
          The findings of the study revealed that 1) the overall quality of service in the new normal of the registry office Kaeng Khro District was at a high level, respectively, as follows: the tangible of the service quality, the assurance of the service quality, the reliability of the service quality, the responsiveness, and the understanding and perceived the needs of service quality in the new normal. 2) The comparison of the service quality of the new normal of the registry office classified by the personal characteristics of the service users was not different. 3) Guidelines for improving service quality in the normal of the registry office Kaeng Khro District proposed that the officers should receive self and professional development to have knowledge and expertise in providing services in the new normal. Furthermore, the equipment, tools, and technology should be ready-to-use, and the place should be clean according to the standard.

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How to Cite
butakhieo, yupin, & phakdeeying, ratchada. (2023). New Normal Services Quality of the Registration Office, Kaeng Khro District, Chaiyaphum Provinc. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(6), 119–134. Retrieved from
Research Article


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