The Development of the Human Beings in Accordance with the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action in Buddhism

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Thankanokrat Jirachoknithichayotorn
Somdet Namket
Boonsong Sinthunok


         The cuses on man’s development as human. The meaning is that those are the self-human beings. The human beings’ goal of life is the happiness, freedom and goodness of life that is the specific personal issue and again to develop by aiming at spiritual development or the behavior as the great principle. There are a lot of principles of Dhamma for development but in here, the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action are selected for study that the principle of this Dhamma was taught by the Lord Buddha for developing the human beings as the foundation in the advent of the Buddha. So the study of human development in accordance with the principle of the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action is used for constructing the good format of society that aims at constructing good environments for supporting human beings to develop the self-potentiality to arrive in good living. The more the society develops, the more the environment becomes great and to make human develop themselves easily. “We build up the best society to assist the good environments for the best development of human beings. The development of human beings here, not only to focus on the aspect of developing ability or various academic knowledge, but also means to develop the properties inside the personnel such as morality or spiritual development. To develop human beings is the continuous basic development for a long time and to watch man as human. So the importance must be given to all human beings that to develop human to be perfect human and to develop oneself to reach the ultimate goal of life in accordance with the principle of Dhamma.

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How to Cite
Jirachoknithichayotorn, T. . ., Namket , S. ., & Sinthunok, B. . (2023). The Development of the Human Beings in Accordance with the Ten Wholesome Courses of Action in Buddhism. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(7), 434–448. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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