Potential Development of Phrapariyatthamma School Administrators Department of General Education, Nan Province

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Chatphum Sichomphoo Sichomphoo
Yokkaew Kamolvoradej
Phimphaka Thammasit
Vajee Panyasai


          This research aims to 1) to study the basic information necessary for the development of administrator potential, Phrapariyattham school, department of general education, Nan province. 2) to develop the potential of administrator of Phrapariyattham school, department of general education, Nan province. 3) to find guidelines for the management of Phrapariyattham School, department of general education, Nan province. The population used in the study consisted of 60 people of School administrators, department of general education, Nan province. The research tools used were interviews, the community forum record forms and group meeting. The data were analyzed by frequency and content analysis.  
          The result show that the school administrators want to develop knowledge management concepts and innovations in school management. The results of the development of school administrators through workshop seminars and brainstorming to analyze the school context, planning to improve the quality of education and the presentation of good management processes of each school, and finding guidelines for school management by Coaching and Mentoring found that all school administrators have applied their knowledge in school administration, meetings were held and jointly analyzed to find ways to develop by defining the vision, mission and goals for achieving results, and the school development plan has been developed with an emphasis on student achievement.

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How to Cite
Sichomphoo, C. S., Kamolvoradej, Y. ., Thammasit , . . P. ., & Panyasai, V. . . (2022). Potential Development of Phrapariyatthamma School Administrators Department of General Education, Nan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 7(11), 316–326. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/261224
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