The problems of academic administration of St.Cabriel Santipathana School in Wichianburi district of Phetchabun province

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Khumporn Mingkwan
Raviwan Kinhom
Taneenart Na Soontorn


          The purposes of the research were to study problems and solution of academic administration of St.Cabriel Santipathana School in Wichianburi district of Phetchabun province, in order to propose the solutions for the academic management issues. The population used to respond to the questionnaire was 57 directors and teachers of St.Cabriel Santipathana School in Wichianburi district of Phetchabun province. The researcher had interviewed 10 directors and department heads, because these people were responsible for school’s academic management.  The study instruments were questionnaire and interview. The statistical analysis methods were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.                    .          
          The findings revealed that the overall issue regarding academic administration of St.Cabriel Santipathana School in Wichianburi district of Phetchabun province was ranked in the low level. The issue with the highest score was implied to be education supervision (µ= 1.600, s = 0. 567), following by the ‘teaching and learning in school’ (µ= 1.600 , s = 0.611), and ‘educational technological media development and execution’ (µ= 1.597, s = 0.608).  The suggested solutions to academic administration issues in school were 1) Regarding learning and teaching aspect, the school must establish comprehensible academic instruction system, and encourage teachers to create various academic and technological media with the integration of different teaching techniques for both before and after class. For education supervision, the school must establish transparent system of supervision, and create an understanding about education supervision among teachers to support education supervision. or educational technology development and implementation, the school must allocate sufficient budgets for the development of educational media and coherent teacher training plan in each semester. This also includes improving and adapting academic and technological media to instruct teachers about technological media encouragement and development.

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How to Cite
Mingkwan, K. ., Kinhom , R. . ., & Na Soontorn, T. . (2023). The problems of academic administration of St.Cabriel Santipathana School in Wichianburi district of Phetchabun province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(8), 267–279. retrieved from
Research Article


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