A Development of Casual Relationship Model of Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Administering Moral Schools under the Local Administrative Organizations

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Watinee Juathong
Subin Yararach
Waraporn Thaima


           The objectives of this research were 1) to study the moral characteristics of school administrators, school environment, and teaching and learning management of teachers that affect the effectiveness of moral school administrators under the local government organization. 2) to develop a causal relationship model of factors affecting the administrative effectiveness of moral schools under local government organizations, and 3) to present guidelines for developing the effectiveness of moral school administration under local government organizations. The research plan is Mix Method research. Purposive sampling was used to obtain data from 1) school administrators 2) teachers and 3) educational personnel from schools that won first prizes, 1st - 3rd runners-up, honorable mentions, and schools that have received certificates to participate in the project. The tools used were questionnaires and interviews. The researcher analyzed using a structural equation model and content analysis.
          The results found that (1) the moral characteristics of school administrators, the school environment, and teachers' teaching and learning management affected the effectiveness of moral school administrators under the local government organization. The overall executives were at a high level. (2) a causal relationship model of factors affecting the effectiveness of moral school administration. It was found that the model for analyzing factors influencing the effectiveness of moral school administration under the local government organization was appropriate. harmonize with empirical data with statistical significance at the .01 level and(3) the guidelines for developing the effectiveness of moral school administration under the local government organization, it was found that the guidelines for developing the efficacy of moral school administration consisted of 6 strategies, namely, environment and ecosystem management in schools, creating facilitating factors and management of executives, encouraging behaviors of role models, empowering learning management, enhancing students to have morals and ethics in the digital age, and building networks external networks and participation of the community and parents of students. There are conditions for success in implementing strategies to increase, consisting of empowerment in 3 roles, namely, the role of administrators, the role of teachers, and the role of the community and family, which must support each other and contribute to each other.

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How to Cite
Juathong, W. ., Yararach , . S. ., & Thaima, W. . (2023). A Development of Casual Relationship Model of Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Administering Moral Schools under the Local Administrative Organizations. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(8), 240–255. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/261875
Research Article


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