Performance Factors Affecting Work Efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Offiice of the Permanent Secretary for Defense

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Araya Pratumpong
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Rungsun Inchan


           This research objectives were to study; 1) the level of performance factors affecting work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense, 2) the level of work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense, 3) the performance factors affecting  work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense and 4) the recommendations on the factors affecting work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense. The sample group consisted of 210 clerk personnels from Taro Yamane's formula. The research tool for data collection  was a questionnaire. The data analysis statistics were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and linear multiple regression analysis by Enter and Stepwise method at statistical significance level .05.
          The results of the research showed that;  1) the level of performance factors affecting work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense in overall was at high level, 2) the level of work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense in overall was at high level, 3) performance factors affecting work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense included 4 factors which could be explained the dependent variables in overall as 72.7 percent with R2 = .727 and F = 136.296 at .01 statistically significant level. There were adhering to righteousness and ethics factor, good administrative factor, teamwork factor and achievement-oriented factor and 4) the recommendations on factors affecting work efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Office of the Permanent Secretary for Defense were the commanders should encourage operators to adjust their working methods to solve problems that arise during operations, the operators should pay attention to the order of execution or urgency of tasks.

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How to Cite
Pratumpong, A., Soonthorn , S. ., & Inchan, R. . (2023). Performance Factors Affecting Work Efficiency in the Department of Clerkship Offiice of the Permanent Secretary for Defense. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(8), 93–107. Retrieved from
Research Article


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