A study the Potential of Natural and Cultural Tourist Sites in Chaiya Phum Province

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Phramaha Sangkom Chayananto
วัชรมน จันรอง
Winai Phumsukh
Pachabodee Yeamsoontorn


          The objectives of the research were :  1. to survey natural and cultural tourist sites in Chaiyaphum Province, 2. to study the potential of natural and cultural tourist sites in Chaiyaphum Province and  3. to analyze the ways to develop natural and cultural tourist sites in Chaiyaphum Province. This research was the mixed method. 400 samples were the people living near the natural and cultural tourist sites in Chaiyaphum Province and the tourists and 62 key informants through interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed by the readymade computer program,The statistics are frequency, frequency, percentage and mean, standard deviation, Show information in the form of a table accompanying lectures. Qualitative data were analyzed by description. Show information with descriptive text.
         The following were the results: 1. There are 11 natural and cultural tourist sites in Chaiyaphum Province as follows :  1) Tat Ton National Park  2) Phu Laen Kha National Park  3) Sai Thong National Park  4) Pa Hin Ngam National Park  5) Chao Pho Phaya Lae Shrine  6) Prang Ku  7) Phu Phra (Phra Chao Ong Tue) 8) Dvarati Buddha Image  9) Phra That Chaiyaphum  10) Thai Historical Museum (Swan Boat) and 11) Wat Chaiyaphum Phithak (Pha Koeng).  2. The natural tourist sites with the highest potential were  1) Tat Ton National Park (92.14%), 2) Sai Thong National Park (90.71%), 3) Pa Hin Ngam National Park (87.14%) and 4) Phu Laen Kha National Park (84.28%) respectively. The cultural tourist sites with the highest potential were Wat Chaiyaphum Phithak (92.14%) and Phra That Chaiyaphum (86.43%), those with the high potential were Chao Pho Phaya Lae Shrine (80.00%), Dvaravati Buddha Image (73.57%) and Phu Phra (70.71%), and those with the middle potential were Thai Historical Museum (63.57%) and Prang Ku (56.43%) respectively. 3. The analysis of the development of the natural and cultural sites in Chaiyaphum Province found that each of these spots should be improved to organize various attractive activities and the people in community should be given more participations in these places


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How to Cite
Phramaha Sangkom Chayananto, จันรอง ว., Phumsukh, W. ., & Yeamsoontorn, P. . (2023). A study the Potential of Natural and Cultural Tourist Sites in Chaiya Phum Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(5), 251–267. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/262023
Research Article


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