Principles of use the Law of Consumer Protection in case of the Defective New-cars of Thai and Singapore

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Taweesak Sopmanee


          This Article aimed (1) to study measures for using consumer protection laws in case of defective new cars Or not in accordance with the quality of the car as agreed in the contract according to Thai law. (2) to study the principles of consumer protection law regarding liability for product defects or additional rights in respect of goods that do not comply with the contract of Singapore. (3) to suggest improvements and amendments to the consumer protection law. By adopting Singapore law principles to cover protection for new car buyers with defects.. The research model is qualitative research. Document-oriented study method Documentary and interviews using data and facts.
          The research results shows the use of consumer protection law in the case of Thailand's new car defect that refers to the Civil and Commercial Code on liability for defects, The Consumer Protection Act, BE 2522 (1979) and the Amendments (No. 3) BE 2556, Liability for Damage from Non-Safe Goods Act, BE 2551 and Consumer Protection Act. It appears that there is no provision on consumer protection of new car defects with minor defects of or not according to the quality of the car agreed in the contract. There are no prescriptive legal terms such as Singapore law and not law that it defines the procedure for protecting consumers' rights in the quality of the car agreed in the contract before the lawsuit when studying the Lemon Law in the Consumer Protection Act (Fair trade) of Singapore does not prescribe a consumer protection law regarding liability for defects in a particular product. This is the third part of the agreement which requires consumers to have additional rights in respect of goods that are not in conformity with the contract. It is a law that protects consumers from other goods in general and protects consumers from buying or leasing movable goods including new cars and used cars with defective that it does not have to be a defective product so it is not safe or harmful to consumers, but use consumer protection from the purchase that including new cars with little defect that or not meet the quality of goods agreed in accordance with the contract. There is a legal presumption that the benefit to consumers is within 6 months of receipt of the goods if consumers find defects or products that do not comply with the contract or do not meet the quality of goods agreed in accordance with the contract that the product is not in accordance with the contract from the date of delivery. This is a defect of the product before being traded or received from the seller. It also defines consumer rights that consumers have the right to demand repairs from the seller to change product or consumers may keep the defective car or the item, but reduce the price of goods in the defective or call for a refund if the product cannot be repaired or modified.

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How to Cite
Sopmanee, T. (2023). Principles of use the Law of Consumer Protection in case of the Defective New-cars of Thai and Singapore. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(2), 364–381. Retrieved from
Research Article


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