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Nattasikarn Cheadowngphuy
Sitthiporn Soonthorn
Watcharin Sutthisai


           The purposes of the research were to 1) study the level of motivation factors affecting the performance of Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organization personnel, 2) investigate the level of the professional performance of the personnel,    3) analyze the motivation factors affecting the performance of the personnel and 4) find useful suggestions for the motivation factors affecting the performance of Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organization personnel. One hundred and sixty seven subjects were the personnel of Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organization. Taro Yamane method were  employed  for  calculating the  sample  size.  They  were selected  by  stratified random sampling and simple random sampling.  The research instrument was  60 items of a 5-point-rating scale questionnaire with the .92 reliability indices and an open-ended questionnaire. . The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment and multiple linear regression with the .01 level of statistical significance.
           Results of the research were as follows.
           (1) The average performance of the personnel was at a high level. (2) The research study showed that the overall motivation factor affecting the performance of Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organization personnel was at a high level. (3) The six factors affected mostly the performance at the .01 level of the statistical significance. They were job achievement, job advancement, responsibility, financial benefits, interpersonal relation, and work condition. The overall factors affected mostly the performance of the personnel of Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organizations was 68.20%. The value of   R2 was .682 and the value of F was 181.231. The overall factors affected mostly the performance of the personnel at the .01 level of the statistical significance. The equation of Z score was .487Z1 +.477Z5 +.472Z4 +.458Z11 +.443Z8+.337Z9. and (4)The most three frequent suggestions for the performance were providing budget for work skill improvement, providing welfare for the hired employees similar to the government officers and
a certificate of excellent performance given by  the chief director.

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How to Cite
Cheadowngphuy, N. ., Soonthorn , . S. ., & Sutthisai, W. . (2024). MOTIVATIVE FACTORS WHICH AFFECT THE WORK PERFORMANCE OF PERSONNEL, MAHA SARAKHAM PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 352–364. retrieved from
Research Article


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