Service Quality Standards of Chiang Mai Provincial Social Security Office

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Pongsri Kunthaluek
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


          The purposes of this research were 1) to assess the Chiang Mai Social Security Office's level of service quality standards. 2) Analyze the factors that are related to the operation of operators according to service quality standards. 3) to assess problems and difficulties with the service provided by the Chiang Mai Social Security Office in terms of personnel, equipment, the information technology system, and other components. 4) to resolve problems and difficulties caused by many circumstances.
          This study implemented a qualitative research methodology. A questionnaire was employed as the primary data collection technique to gather information from 88 service employees of the Social Security Office in Chiang Mai Province. The statistics used in data analysis to analyze the correlation based on Pearson's method were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results showed that: 1) The overall quality and service standards of the Chiang Mai Social Security Office are quite high ( = 3.07) 2) The location and facility factors demonstrated a significant correlation (r = 0.628). Personnel, communication channels, information systems, and processes for providing services showed a moderate correlation with the service quality standards (r = 0.425, r = 0.415, and r = 0.532, respectively). The Chiang Mai Social Security Office's service quality standards have a moderate relationship with the equipment, communication channels, information system factors, and service process (r = 0.302 and r = 0.393, respectively). 3) The most common problems and difficulties encountered by the operators from their prior experiences were insufficient manpower. 4) The recommendation for solving these problems and difficulties would be that the agency should provide manpower to be sufficient for services and facilities. Thus, it is statistically significant at.01 (R = 0.302**) and is associated with high levels of service quality standards.


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How to Cite
Kunthaluek , P. ., & Ladavalya Na Ayuthya, S. . (2023). Service Quality Standards of Chiang Mai Provincial Social Security Office. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 323–342. retrieved from
Research Article


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