From Political Economics to Buddhism Economic

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Vorapat Panpradit
Surin Thongtod


          This academic article the purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between the concepts of political economy and the concepts of Buddhism. It was found that political economy in a specific sense means economics developed from the concepts of Karl Marx. Political economy is to discuss economics related to political science. It includes knowledge of mainstream economics led by Adam Smith and political economy led by Karl Marx, both in a broader sense. and group specific meanings with the idea of developing economics or economic knowledge for the well-being of the world's population in which each country has a different form of politics and governance. And the application of knowledge in economics to link politics that aims to achieve equal access to the limited resources of that country, as well as assimilate with the religion, language, law, culture, traditions, etc. of that nation, too.
          The application of political economy and Buddhist economics in Thailand. to understand lifestyle and balance between the object and psychologically. Therefore, the importance of Buddhist economic concepts focuses on inner satisfaction, generosity love of humanity talking about morality, ethics, fellowship, etc. This article therefore proposes that application of Buddhist principles in line with the principles of political economy. It may make a great contribution to the individual and the psychological quality of the population.


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How to Cite
Panpradit, V., & Thongtod, S. . (2023). From Political Economics to Buddhism Economic. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(9), 382–397. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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