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Jirayu Inkeaw
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


          The mission of the Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police officer are usually work in the difficulty area. That’s require devoting both physical and mental strength, dedicated intelligence and specific abilities also the proficiency in the area. The regular of their work is prone to dangers from people, wildlife, and natural disasters. Therefore, it is a job with quite a lot of pressure and may affect to the personal quality of life and the quality of work life. However, suitability in quality of work life will result in job satisfaction and better work efficiency. (Kewalin  Na nakorn amd Phirada Chairatana, 2562. The purpose of this project is to study the level of quality of work life and the commitment to the organization, the correlation between quality of work life and organizational commitment and the personnel expectation that the quality of working life will be raised to a better standard. This study process in quantitative research by collecting data from police officers from the 4th Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police officer with a total of 88 people as informants the questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the statistics used to test the hypothesis were multiple regression equations.
          The result of the study can be summarized as follows : 1) the quality of working life of the 4th Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police covers an area of 17 northern provinces was quite high. Compensation, such as salary, welfare, is appropriate that can help reduce living expenses, but not enough for the current cost of living. Working environments, there’re quite good in such a safety protection standard in the workplace. The challenging job assignments which give the opportunity to be promoted to a higher position were found but not very fair to every employee. Competency development, such as tactical training in theory and practice, the side of colleagues friendly and teamwork were found but there are some that compete quite a lot. Privacy rights to have the freedom be using their knowledge and skills included the express opinions about policies and operational guidelines were found. The balance between life and work, there are some cases where they must work in a continuous area and no time for family but there is relatively little stress from work.                    2) Organizational commitment of the 4th Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police covers an area of 17 northern provinces are quite high. Psychological aspects and unity with the organization such as accepting goals and province values ​​of the organization which says, "Save the environment preserving the lives of animals” has many aspects of persistence and loyalty to the organization, they want to intend to work at the 4th Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police covers an area of 17 northern provinces for the rest of their life. The pride of the organization never thought of resigning or changing jobs even though there was an opportunity to work with salaries better position quite a lot. Norm and participation in the organization, have a feeling of concern for the image and the way of the organization, ready to work full-time, feeling sad if having to leave the police force in the  4th Crime Division of Natural Resources and Environmental police covers an area of 17 northern provinces. 3) The result of the quality of work life that’s effects the organizational commitment at 70.00%. The factors that have an effect are Compensation for the working environment, side of colleagues and social relations 4) The expectation to raise the quality of work life is the level of making progress and stability in working life, working hours, leave days, holidays, right to take leave, leave on the support side. In the last there will be more training opportunities for tactical operations.

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How to Cite
Inkeaw, J., & Ladavalya Na Ayuthya, S. . (2023). QUALITY OF WORK LIFE AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT OF GENERAL STAFF IN 4TH CRIME DIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL COVERS AN AREA OF 17 NORTHERN PROVINCE. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 70–89. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/262701
Research Article


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