The development of critical thinking skills on Thai literature analysis : The story of Phra Aphaimani Nee Nang Phisuea, By managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises for Matthayomsuksa 3

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Pimpisut Khanthaseema
Kanchana Witchayapakorn


          This study aims to 1) study the effectiveness of Thai literature analytical thinking exercise of the story of Phra Aphai Manee Nee Nang Phisuea, to be efficiency up to the standard of 75/75, 2) compare critical thinking skill of Thai literature during Pretest and Posttest by managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises,                    3) examine student learning’s satisfaction of flipped classroom style with analytical thinking exercises. The sample group was 43 people in Matthayomsuksa 3/3 at the Bangkrathum
          Pittayakom school, for the academic year 2022. The sample group was collected purposely and the research instruments were 1) a lesson plan by managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises, 2) the analytical thinking exercises of the story of Phra Aphai Mani Nee Nang Phisuea, 3) a critical thinking skill test, 4) a satisfaction assessment form. The data analysis used mean, standard deviation, t-test dependent and efficiency proportion values. The research results found that:
          1. The results of the effectiveness of Thai literature Analytical Thinking Exercises the story of Phra Aphai Mani Nee Nang Phisuea by managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises had the efficiency level of 79.68/81.32 which is higher than the standard criteria.
         2. The results of comparing analytical thinking exercises the story of Phra Aphai Mani Nee Nang Phisuea after learning the posttest scores is significantly higher than before score .05
          3. Students are satisfied with learning medthod by managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises was met the highest satisfied level.

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How to Cite
Khanthaseema, P., & Witchayapakorn, K. . (2023). The development of critical thinking skills on Thai literature analysis : The story of Phra Aphaimani Nee Nang Phisuea, By managing flipped classroom style learning system with analytical thinking exercises for Matthayomsuksa 3. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(10), 396–414. Retrieved from
Research Article


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