Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development of Local Administrative Organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province

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Phloichomphu Tabem
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


           The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the level of the effectiveness of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province, 2) to study the factors influencing the effectiveness of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District and 3) to study the suggestions and guidelines for the promotion of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District. This study applied the Quantitative Research with the Survey Research. The sample was 236 government. The tool of this study was the questionnaire with the 0.926 of reliability. The statistics used Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis with the Enter Method. Research Results 1) Overall, the level of the effectiveness of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province was at the high level. 2) The factors influencing the effectiveness of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province was at the high level. it found that the support of the high administrators and the technology progress influenced the effectiveness of the human resource development at 0.01 of statistical significance. The other factors did not influence the effectiveness of the human resource. 3) The suggestions and guidelines for the promotion of the human resource development of the local administrative organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province were the local administrative organizations should provide the curriculum, learning, teaching and training modern and suitable to the actual demand, the local administrative organizations should provide the media and tools in the management of learning, teaching and training to attract the interest for the trainees, the local administrative organizations should provide the activities leading to the learning for making the interest in the contents, and the local administrative organizations should make the environment in the participatory working, sharing the knowledge and exchanging the knowledge together in the organization.

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How to Cite
Tabem, P. ., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2023). Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Human Resource Development of Local Administrative Organizations in Chondan District, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 90–102. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/263133
Research Article


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