Guidelines for Working Management of Illegant Aliens Worked in Round-Trip Style at The Special Economic Zone : A Case Study of Mae Sot District, Tak Province

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Thitapha Jantharote
Tanastha Rojanatrakul


          The objectives of this individual study were to study: 1) Different levels of working administration of the immigrants who work one-day trip in the special economic area 2) compare employers’ or entrepreneurs’ opinions on the working administration of the immigrants who work one-day trip in the special economic area, which each classified by personal factors, 3) difficulties, obstacles, and administrative approaches of the immigrants working one-day trip in the special economic area. The study is conducted according to quantitative and demographic research, by having 257 employers or entrepreneurs as demographics. Having questionnaires as tools, the confidence value resulted in 0.876. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, including the T-test and the F-test and from the paired test LSD.
         The outcomes were as followed: 1) For the different levels of working administration of the immigrants who work one-day trip in the special economic area found that the overall administrative is at a high level. 2) A comparison of personal factors with the opinions of employers or entrepreneurs on the subject of working administration of the immigrants who work one-day trip in the special economic area perceived that employers or entrepreneurs with different gender, age, education, type of business, income and duration immersed in the area have similar opinions on working administration of the immigrants who work one-day trip in the special economic area. Therefore, the hypothesis was dismissed. 3) Difficulties, obstacles, and administrative approaches of the immigrants working one-day trip in the special economic areaindicated that there should be a short-term solution to the administration of migrant workers, by regulating measures to escalate workers’ protection and their working rights. Flexibility on strict regulations and relevant laws is needed for allowing sufficient migrants workers into the country appropriately according to the required number. To increase the frequency of inspections, supervision, and enacting regulations to ensure migrant workers are well protected and restructuring the working administration of migrant workers to achieve more unified integration.

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How to Cite
Jantharote, T., & Rojanatrakul, T. . (2023). Guidelines for Working Management of Illegant Aliens Worked in Round-Trip Style at The Special Economic Zone : A Case Study of Mae Sot District, Tak Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(11), 130–140. Retrieved from
Research Article


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