The Acceptance of Digital Technology for Working Practices of Officers in the Labour Court Region 5
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The objectives of this research were to study 1) The level of acceptance of digital technology in the performance of personnel in the Labour Court Region 5, 2) Factors affecting the acceptance of digital technology in the performance of personnel in the Labour Court Region 5, and 3) The role of people involved with digital technology affecting the acceptance of digital technology by personnel in the Labour Court Region 5. This is qualitative research methods which The main informants were 26 people who is a personnel in Labour Court Region 5. The subjects were personnel in the Labour Court Region 5, are 3 executives, 23 civil servants, civil servants and temporary workers. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. Data was collected by interviewing. The data were analyzed by content analysis and inductive inference analysis.
The research results, The average digital technology acceptance level of personnel in the Labour Court Region 5, was in “Early Adopters” in other words, There is a medium level of acceptance of digital technology which factors that affect the acceptance level are individual factor which consists of factors perceived usefulness and factors perceived ease of technology, major organizational factors which consist of Strategic factors, style factor, skill factor and shared values factor, minor organizational factors which consists of structure factors, system factor and staff factor, role acceptance factors which consists of leader in role resource alligator, colleague in role liaison role and the technology practitioner digital in role auditor. For this reason, if he labour court region 5 want personnel to accept more digital technology it should be revised to provide more training in using digital technology skills and there is a duty of personnel to support the use of digital technology to be more clear as well.
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