The quality of work life and employee happiness are essential factors that impact organizational commitment within private banks in the Ploenchit area

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Penpicha Sibunruang
Tongfu Siriwongse
Sompon Thungwha


           The objective of this research was to examine the quality of work life, happiness, and organizational commitment among employees of a private bank in the Ploenchit District. Specifically, the study sought to categorize the organizational commitment of bank employees based on personal factors, and to investigate how quality of work life and happiness affect organizational commitment. A total of 267 employees participated in the study, which utilized frequency, percentage, and standard deviation as statistical measures. Independent Samples t-tests, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple regression analyses were used to test the hypotheses
           The results of the study indicated that the overall quality of work life, happiness, and organizational commitment were high among the bank employees. The organizational commitment of the employees varied based on personal factors such as age (F = 2.622), years of work (F = 2.156), monthly income (F = 1.214), working group (F = .706), status (F = .572), educational level (F = .074), and gender (T = .264). The study also found that personal factors such as work-life balance, family-work relations, and the nature of work were directly related to society, and had a significant impact on the organizational commitment of bank employees. Additionally, factors such as job success and acceptance also had a significant impact on organizational commitment.

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How to Cite
Sibunruang, P., Siriwongse, T., & Thungwha, S. (2023). The quality of work life and employee happiness are essential factors that impact organizational commitment within private banks in the Ploenchit area. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 365–381. Retrieved from
Research Article


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