The Development of Shot Course Curriculum to Enhance Creative Thinking Using Project Based Learning and Community Based Learning for Secondary School Student

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Noppadon Nojit
Kedthip Sirichaisin


          This research aimed to 1) develop the short course curriculum to enhance creative thinking using project-based learning and community-based learning for secondary school students and 2) to study the results of the short course curriculum to enhance creative thinking using project-based learning and community-based learning for secondary school student integration. The participants included 15 secondary students studying in the inclusive system with the Lampang Polytechnic College and enrolled in the Production Welding course in semester 2 of the academic year 2021. This study followed a pre-experimental design with a fundamental research strategy utilizing the one-shot case study. The research instruments consisted of 1) the curriculum, 2) the curriculum guide, and 3) the secondary students’ creativity evaluation form. For ease of analysis, the collected data were analyzed into the percentage, the average, and the standard deviation (S.D.)
           The main results of the study were as follow: 1) The average of curriculum appropriateness was in the high level (  = 4.49 , S.D. = 0.54), the curriculum guide was in the at a very high level (  = 4.60, S.D. = 0.49), the secondary students’ creativity evaluation form was consistent and could be actually applied, 2) the results of the short course curriculum integration by the teachers, and the community members found that the average result of the secondary students’ creativity evaluation form in the aspect of overall creativity was 95.54% which above the curriculum criteria mentioned.

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How to Cite
Nojit , N. ., & Sirichaisin , K. . (2023). The Development of Shot Course Curriculum to Enhance Creative Thinking Using Project Based Learning and Community Based Learning for Secondary School Student. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(11), 44–66. retrieved from
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