The Development of Time Management Measurement For Graduate Students

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panadda kongmon
Nattakan Prachanban


           This study aimed 1)to develop and determine the quality of time management measurement (TM) for graduate students and 2) to create local norms for time management measurement (TM) for graduate students. The sample included 658 first and second-year graduate students through multi-stage random sampling. The research instrument was time management measurement for graduate students as a behavioral measurement with 5 scales with 38 questions. Statistics for data analysis included mean, scatter coefficient, skewness, kurtosis, percentile, normally distributed standardized t-score, and confirmatory factor analysis. Data were analyzed using the SPSS for Windows, the Mplus program, and Microsoft Excel.
           The findings were as follows: 1. As for time management measurement for graduate students developed by the researcher, 5 components included the realization of work objectives, time planning, plan implementation, time estimation, and time management improvement. There were 10 indicators: understanding the task, task goal setting, work schedule, prioritization of tasks, work implementation, dealing with problems and obstacles, following up on progress in implementation, problem analysis, corrective action in time management, and behavior modification with a total of 38 questions, the IOC of 0.60 - 1.00, the discrimination power of 0.42 - 0.78, and the reliability of 0.937. The measurement had construct validity (Chi-squared = 31.625, df = 22, p-value = 0.084, RMSEA = 0.045, CFI = 0.992, TLI = 0.984, and SRMR = 0.028)  2. The local norms of time management measurement for graduate students were divided into 4 levels: high time management with a score of 162 or higher (≥T57), quite high time management with a score from 152 to 161 (T50 – T56), moderate time management with a score from 139 to 151 (T42 – T49), and low time management with a score of fewer than 139 points (less than T42).

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How to Cite
kongmon, panadda, & Prachanban, N. . (2023). The Development of Time Management Measurement For Graduate Students. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 8(12), 1–17. Retrieved from
Research Article


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