Operations of Student Care System as Perceived by Teachers in Schools Under Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality

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Warunchalee Aiewwangso
Pattama Kanyuk
Supattara Pusitrattanavalee


          This research aims to investigate the operations of student care system as perceived by teachers, to compare the operations of student care system as perceived by teachers in relevance to teachers’ gender, types of teachers, work experience, and school affiliation, and to examine problems and suggestions regarding operations of student care system as perceived by teachers. A sample of 293 municipal teachers in Nakhon Si Thammarat province was obtained by stratified random sampling based on the proportion of their school affiliation. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire with the IOC values between .08 - 1.00 and a reliability coefficient of .98. The statistical used for data analysis consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, One-way ANOVA, and Fisher’s Least Significant Difference.
          The results revealed that : 1) the overall operations of student care system were found at a high level. 2) The comparison results of operations of student care system as perceived by teachers in relevance to teachers’ gender, types of teachers, work experience, and school affiliation found that teachers with different genders had no differences in their perceptions of operations of student care system. However, their perceptions of operations of student care system in terms of referrals with different types of teachers and work experiences were significantly different at the level of .05, and the overall and every aspect of teachers with different school affiliations were significantly different in their perceptions of the student care system at the .05 and .01 levels and 3) Problems indicated that school lacked systematic student data storage, non-continuous student screening and unsystematic, lack of knowledge and understanding in helping students and problems-solving in the right way as well as those involved not having clear systematic coordination with external agencies. Therefore, administrators should provide technology to make a systematic student data storage system in order to maintain the information and be able to pass the information to the class teacher. Hold training to Improve knowledge about the rules for screening students, helping students and problem-solving in the right way. There should be regular and continuous supervision and monitoring of performance. Teachers should prepare and store student data on a continuous basis and must be confidential and should be in touch with outside referral agencies constantly so that teachers can work in the same direction.

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How to Cite
Aiewwangso, W., Kanyuk, P. . ., & Pusitrattanavalee, S. . (2024). Operations of Student Care System as Perceived by Teachers in Schools Under Nakhon Si Thammarat Municipality. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 68–89. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/264012
Research Article


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