The Management of Northern Cluster Rajabhat University in Crisis Stituation

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Neramit Jitruksa
Pensri Chirinang
Udomwit Chaisakulkiat
Somboon Sirisanhiran


          Present, most universities have fewer students enrolling, affecting the management because the budget for the administration of state universities, in addition to being supported by the government, also uses a significant part of the tuition fee budget. A study on the administration of Northern Cluster Rajabhat Universities in a crisis This article aims to present Guidelines for the Management of Rajabhat Universities in the Northern Region in a Crisis By focusing on the study of the implementation of the role. Duties of Rajabhat University to become a university for local development under the Rajabhat University Strategic Plan for local development according to His Majesty the King's 20-year period (2017-2036) and the Excellence Development Plan Rajabhat University for 5 years (B.E. 2023-2027), together with the challenging situation for all universities, such as Rajabhat University, which encounters a major problem is the number of students decreasing. And affecting the administration of the university because most of the budget for administration comes from the income of tuition fees. Universities therefore need to manage and set strategies. In order to increase the number of students or maintain the status of the number of students In addition, will have to seek opportunities to increase income. Along with the function of the university as a government organization with the main function of producing graduates research and development academic service to society and the preservation of arts and culture with the main role being local development Based on this educational management challenge, the Balanced Scorecard method has been used as a principle to measure performance for strategic studies under Strategies that have led to the proposal of a management approach for the survival of Rajabhat University from the aforementioned crisis. which will lead to the stability of the university and act as an educational institution to rely on expectation and confidence To develop the local to achieve the strategy according to the mission. strengthen the community Local and next country

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How to Cite
Jitruksa, N. ., Chirinang, P. ., Chaisakulkiat , U. ., & Sirisanhiran, S. . (2024). The Management of Northern Cluster Rajabhat University in Crisis Stituation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 473–488. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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