Models for creating success of institutes of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3

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Krisada Soonthorn
Watcharin Sutthisai
Sitthiporn Soonthorn


          This research aims to achieve the following objectives: 1.) Investigate the level of success. 2.) Examine the level of success of responsibilities. 3.) Identify the factors that contribute to success. 4.) Provide recommendations for fostering success. 5.) Models for creating success of institutes of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3. This is mixed-method research with questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews. A sample group of 321 individuals from the Institutes of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3 was collected using systematic sampling. Statistical tools for data analysis include frequency distribution, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis.
The research findings indicate that: 1.) The overall level of success of Northeast Region 3 Institutions of Vocational Education is high, with an average value of 3.69. 2.) The overall level of success of responsibilities by Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3 is high, with an average value of 3.99. 3.) There are eight factors that contribute to the success of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3. These factors include leadership or management, teacher or instructor factors, curriculum factors, student factors, institution factors, community and social participation factors, parent or relative factors, and decentralization factors. Together, they explain 71.1% of the overall variables, with an R-squared value of 0.711 and a statistical F-value of 118.442 at significant level of 0.01. The formular is as follows.
  Unstandardized Multiple Linear Regression
y ̂ = 1.708+ .161 X2 + .051 X3 + .166 X4 + .089 X5 + .081 X6 + .073 X7 + .053 X9 + .104 X10
Standardized Multiple Linear Regression
z_y ̂ = .341Z4 + .179Z10 + .254Z2 +.116Z5 + .135Z7 + .133Z6 + .099Z9 + .080Z3 4.) Recommendations for fostering the success of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3 are as follows: Teachers should have a positive attitude and care equally for all students. Executives should demonstrate a vision for institution development that can be effectively implemented. There should be campaigns for public relations and community involvement, with active participation in institution-related activities. The institution should focus on developing practical skills in students rather than solely emphasizing documentation skills. 5.) The keys to success of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3 consist of a total of 16 factors, ranked in order of importance, as follows: Policy and strategic factors, leadership or management factors, teacher or instructor factors, curriculum factors, student factors, parent or relative factors, institution factors, economic factors, social value factors, connection factors, geographical factors, community participation factors, government agency and state official factors, equipment factors, budget factors, and technology factors.

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How to Cite
Soonthorn, K. ., Sutthisai , W. ., & Soonthorn, S. . (2024). Models for creating success of institutes of Vocational Education in the Northeast Region 3. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(1), 125–141. Retrieved from
Research Article


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