Problem impacts and methods for restaurant business adjusting in the sutiation of the Coronavirus 2019 epidemic

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Tanapat Posri
Sommai Chanruang
Natjaya Kaewnui


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the problem and impact for restaurant business adjusting in the pandemic situation, and 2) to study the crisis management methods in restaurant business amid Coronavirus 2019 pandemic. The results revealed that problem and impact for restaurant business: Problems arising from disease control to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019, problems and obstacles from restaurant management and people's relationship problems change during the crisis. and the results revealed that the crisis management methods in the restaurant business during the coronavirus epidemic consisted of the following steps: prevention, preparation, and revision.

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How to Cite
Posri, T., Chanruang , S. ., & Kaewnui, N. . (2024). Problem impacts and methods for restaurant business adjusting in the sutiation of the Coronavirus 2019 epidemic. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(4), 458–479. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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