Cultivation of Bodhicitta Based on the Slow Tourism Activities in Buddhist Approach

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Supaporn Bamrungwong
Montien Montrapibully
Suvin Ruksat
Phrakruvinaython Boonsri Nanavuddho


          This article aims to present into 3 issues: concept of slow tourism, concept of Bodhicitta in Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures and guidelines to cultivate of Bodhicitta based on the slow tourism activities in Buddhist approach. Found that, 1) slow tourism is a kind of alternative tourism which is quality one in trend. It emphasizes on travel without hesitation for relaxing, learning, experience creating and do not cause any impact on the environment and society. There are 5 forms of slow tourism activities: (1) touching nature, (2) experience community's way of life, (3) undertaking creative activities, (4) low-carbon traveling, and (5) realizing value of life. 2) Bodhicitta means the mind of enlightenment. In inscriptions of Mahayana Buddhism believed that all being have enlightenment’s mind can cultivate and practice to enlighten, likewise setting right and straight mind with no adherence or Śūnyatā. By following to Bodhisattva's aspirations which are 6 Perfections and 3 characteristics 3) The guidelines to cultivate of Bodhicitta based on the slow tourism activities in Buddhist approach. There are activities guidelines to develop bodhicitta in the form of tourism activities that can contribute to the mental development into the original mind or the original home of the mind. This is the Bodhicitta resides in all beings according to Mahayana beliefs, in the model of “HOME Model”.

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How to Cite
Bamrungwong, S., Montrapibully, M. ., Ruksat, S. ., & Boonsri Nanavuddho, P. . . (2024). Cultivation of Bodhicitta Based on the Slow Tourism Activities in Buddhist Approach. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(3), 391–405. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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